Master the LSAT with Top-Scoring Tutors.

Achieve your law school dreams with personalized tutoring from expert LSAT tutors. Download to schedule your first session today!

Get Matched, Get Scheduled, Get Ahead.

  • Get Onboarded

    Get Onboarded

    When you sign up we ask key questions to get to know you and your background.

  • Match with a Tutor

    Match with a Tutor

    Our TutorMatch algorithm users your info to find the best tutor to fit your personal needs.

  • Schedule a Session

    Schedule a Session

    Easily book and manage your tutoring schedule from our user friendly scheduling platform.

  • Get a Focused Plan

    Get a Focused Plan

    Your tutor will provide you a study plan to keep you focused on the areas that will maximize improvement.

Praise from our students.

Your Ideal LSAT Guide.

Our tutors are not only high scorers but also go through our extensive TutorCheck vetting and training process to ensure exceptional teaching standards.

Jordan S.

Jordan’s strongest belief is that anyone can do well on the LSAT even if they have only a few hours to spare a day.

Caroline P.

Caroline helps students focus on the underlying logic that connects the test into a cohesive whole.

Rosalyn L.

Rosalyn’s approach to LSAT preparation emphasizes setting a consistent and manageable schedule.

Good Match Guarantee

We are confident that you will match with a tutor who perfectly suits your needs. If, however, you feel that the tutor is not a good fit, your first hour with a new tutor is covered by Mobile Tutoring's Good Match Guarantee.

Want to tutor with LSAT Tutoring?

We're always looking for talented LSAT tutors. Apply below, get paid and make a difference.


Were here anytime to answer any questions you may have.